Jon Wade

Who Am I?

Jon Wade was born in 1979 in the Southern US. Since then he has lived many places and worn many hats but art has always been in the forefront of his heart. From poetry to wood carving, Wade has always searched for different ways to express himself. However, with the dedication and discipline developed through 12 years of Taekwondo, he fully committed himself to torch work after collecting glass for nearly half his life. Gaining inspiration through the Buddhist principles of singularity and non permanence, he pushes to reinvent his art on a regular basis.

Though his body of work may be widely spread in technique, there is one common factor that binds all of his glass and that is love; love for his craft and also love for the world around him. There is no other place wade would rather be than in his studio working to make your eyes widen in wonder. Whether it be a marble, or a sculpture, or the occasional pipe, you can guarantee yourself that he gave 100% of himself in the time spent creating it.